Coach Expectations

General Expectations for Travel Coaches


Behavior, Practicing, Playing Time, Positions, and Tournaments


This document includes recommendations and best practice for Dedham Youth Soccer coaches with Boston Area Youth Soccer (BAYS) Travel Teams. 


Behavior: BAYS Zero Tolerance Policy


All individuals responsible for a team and all spectators shall support the referee. Failure to do so will undermine the referee’s authority and has the potential of creating a hostile environment for the players, the referee, and all the other participants and spectators.

Consequently, BAYS has adopted and modified the following rules:


  1. No one, except the players, is to speak to the referee during or after the game. Exceptions: Coaches may ask questions before the game, call for substitutions and point out emergencies during the game, or respond to the referee if addressed.
  2. Absolutely no disputing calls, during or after the game, no remarks to the referee to watch certain players or attend to rough play. NO YELLING at the referee, EVER, and no criticism, sarcasm, harassment, intimidation, or feedback of any kind during or after the game.
  3. Violators may be ejected and are subject to disciplinary action by the BAYS Sportsmanship Review Committee.
  4. If coaches or spectators have questions regarding particular calls, rules, or a referee, or wish to give feedback regarding a referee, please contact the town soccer club referee’s coordinator for the game in question, or contact the BAYS Referees Representative at


Practice, Playing Time, Positions and Tournaments:


The following does not take the position of goalie into account.  It is a general guideline and things such as roster size may have an impact on these guidelines.  A coach should use their best judgment.


3rd and 4th Grade: - 7v7


The intent is to teach and develop the players so they learn to play the game properly.  While everyone is competitive and would like to win, that is not the goal at this level.

Practice should begin about two weeks prior to the start of the fall and spring seasons, and you should practice at least twice a week.  As the season progresses, (especially in the fall with darkness) practices can be reduced to once a week.

Positions – Forward, Midfield, Defense depending on coach’s formation

Players should all play the same amount in each game.

Players should play all positions throughout the season.

A player should play all positions at this age group.  You can give more time to a player at a preferred position; however, all players should play each position in each game.  The goal at this level is to teach each position to all players so they have a better understanding of the game.

Teams should consider entering a Holiday Tournament (Columbus Day and/or Memorial Day)


5th and 6th Grade - 9v9


Practice should begin about two weeks prior to the start of the fall and spring seasons and you should practice at least twice a week. 

Positions – Forward, Midfield, Defense

Each player should play at least half the game.  However, at this level some players may certainly get more playing time than others as long as each player plays at least half the game.

Players should play all positions throughout the season, however as the season progresses, you can have players concentrate on two of the three positions.  A player should not be limited to just one position at this age.

A player should not be only a forward or only a defenseman.  You can give more time to a player at a preferred position; however, the player should play each position during the season.  The goal at this level is to teach each position to all players so they have a better understanding of the game.

Teams should be entered in a Holiday Tournament (Columbus Day and/or Memorial Day)

*U11 Higher division teams should enter the Presidents Cup in the spring

*U11/U12 Lower division teams should consider entering the Presidents Cup in the spring


8th Grade (11v11) – Competitive - Division 2 or Higher


Practice should begin about two weeks prior to the start of each season, and you should practice at least twice a week.

This may be some players first time playing the 11v11 game, so players should be exposed to all positions.  As the season progresses you may concentrate on a certain position.

Rosters should be capped at 18 for MTOC level teams.

Each player should play at least half the game.  However, at this level some players may certainly get more playing time than others as long as each player plays at least half the game.

Teams should be entered in a Holiday Tournament (Columbus Day and/or Memorial Day)


8th Grade (11v11) – Recreational - Division 3 or lower


Practice should begin about two weeks prior to the start of the fall and spring seasons, and you should practice 1-2 times a week.  As the season progresses, (especially in the fall with darkness) practices can be reduced to once a week.

This may be some players first time playing the 11v11 game, so players should be exposed to all positions.  As the season progresses you may concentrate on a certain position.

Players should all play roughly the same amount in each game.

Teams should consider entering a Holiday Tournament (Columbus Day and/or Memorial Day)

Teams should consider entering the Presidents Cup in the spring


U16 and 18 (11v11) – Competitive - Division 2 or Higher


Practice should begin about two weeks prior to the start of the spring season and you should practice at least once a week. 

By this point, the kids are in High School and have been playing soccer for a few years.  The competitive level is for kids who play at the high school level and want to continue to play soccer in the “off season”.

Rosters should be capped at 18 for MTOC level teams.

Each player should play a minimum of 10 minutes per half.

Top players could in theory play the entire game as long as the minimum playing time is met for ALL PLAYERS.  Games should be coached somewhat like the HS level, however all players should play in each half.  There is more of an emphasis on winning at this level.


U16 and 18 (11v11) – Recreational - Division 3 or lower


Practice should begin about two weeks prior to the start of the spring season and you should practice at least once a week to start the season.  This is a tough age group as kids have many other activities as well as jobs.  As the season progresses, you can eliminate practices if attendance is not sufficient.

This level is for kids who love to play soccer but may not have the skill level to be on a High School team.  This level is more about kids just wanting to play and have fun.

All players should play roughly the same.

Coach should let the players play positions that they want to play (obviously within reason).