Hello DYS Parents,
Hello! My name is Danielle Littee, and I am happy to introduce myself as your incoming 2024 Dedham Youth Soccer President. I have been a Dedham resident since 2013 and delighted to share that both my boys will be part of the Dedham Youth Soccer Organization this year. I was previously the Board Secretary and now I’m looking forward to building on Paul’s momentum and energy from the last six years (!!) to support this great organization.
HUGE Thank You to Paul!
Really want to thank Paul for his leadership and guidance over the years. Happy to reiterate that Paul will be staying on the Board as Vice President and will continue to champion and support efforts that are vital to growth of our program and visibility of the program in town and externally.
Thank you
I wanted to thank all the board members, volunteers, coaches, and everyone who have worked hard to make Dedham Youth Soccer a great organization for the players, families, and town of Dedham in 2023. I know that we all have many other activities, meetings, practices, and our own work/family balance. Thank you for bringing your passion, your intellect, your experiences, your respect, your resources to help Dedham Youth Soccer.
I want to especially thank those that have helped over the last few years and are moving on from the board. Carld and Michelle: Thank you on behalf of DYS for your contributions, hours of coaching, advising, and overall enthusiasm of making DYS what it is today!! You were passionate and always worked to put the players of Dedham first. Although, your work is never done, and you may be called in as a sub here and there
I also want to welcome Rafael D, Courtney D., Maura F., Russell M., and Nicole S. to the board. Looking forward to having your help in 2023 and beyond!
Spring Registration is OPEN for Spring 2024 season for Grades: Kindergarten thru Grade 12 (see www.dedhamsoccer.com for more details)
Please note registration deadlines are EXTENDED through JANUARY 11TH!!!
·Still fast approaching and spots are NOT guaranteed and subject to availability and late fees.
·Notice that the late fee is $50 for Spring season as this helps encourage on-time registration and greatly reduces the amount of work for our volunteer board members
·Costs for Insurance, equipment, League Fees, etc.… have all gone up along with a slight increase to registration for Spring 2024
·TOWN (Grades K thru 3) and TRAVEL PROGRAM: (Grades 3 thru 8th Grade): Late Fee starts Friday, January 12th spots are NOT guaranteed after this date; Waitlist starts Thursday February 1st
NOTE: Grade 3 Town is for 3rd graders who are new in the Spring or who played TOWN in the fall of 2023
·Spring Season Games (PreK thru Grade 8) will be most Saturdays, April 6th thru June 8th (ish)
·PRE-K PROGRAM: Registration will open on March 1st. Players MUST be 4 by April 1, 2024. Player spots are limited to a max number and time slots will close when filled.
·High School PROGRAM: Register by Monday, February 5th, Late Fee starts Tuesday, February 6th and spots are NOT guaranteed after this date
DYS Team Store
Still open until January 31, 2024! We're continuing to partner with Play it Again for a better user experience and to work with a local Dedham company. Check back often as we are adding new items soon: https://dedhamyouthsoccer2023.itemorder.com/shop/home/
WINTER Soccer Indoor Training
Will be hosted on Sundays at Dedham Country Day School
·Starting 2/18 through 3/24/24
·Watch for details in the upcoming weeks to register
Website and FB Updates
Please join DYS FB page and visit www.dedhamsoccer.com for up to date messages, notes, about the program. We will be adding more material about the programs, teams, coaches, history, etc. this Winter
DYS Upcoming Events
·Coaches and Town Referee Meetings will most likely be in mid-February/early March
Town and Travel Referees
DYS is in need of more TRAVEL referee’s- Winter courses are now available- check out the website:https://www.massref.net/becoming-a-referee/steps-to-become-referee/ DYS will cover the costs of the course once you referee 10 total games. Bonus for any current referee who refers a future referee, and that person completes 10 games.
Do you have any suggestions, comments, concerns, would you like to volunteer to help? Email me at [email protected]
On behalf of the DYS Board…Thank you for all your support!